Leo’s Lawn Care charges $72 for the first hour of mowing, plus $45 for each additional hour. Which equation represents this situation? Select two answers.

I believe it is b and e

B is right

E is not
hint: expand B and see what it gets you

second answer its 2 questions?

Yes, you are correct. The equation that represents the situation is:

c = 72 + 45(h - 1)

This equation takes into account the initial charge of $72 for the first hour of mowing and then adds $45 for each additional hour (h - 1). Therefore, option B (c = 72 + 45(h - 1)) is correct.

Additionally, option E (c = 72 + 45h) is also correct. This equation is an alternative representation of the same situation. Instead of factoring out the initial hour, it considers each hour individually by multiplying the number of additional hours (h) by $45 and then adding the initial charge of $72.

So, both options B and E represent the given situation described.