Hi! I'm writing an analysis for a short story and I just don't really understand how to explain the structure of a short story, how should I go about doing this?


Study Freytag’s pyramid (especially in the 3rd or 4th website below the images), and the parts that make up the structure of a story should help you.

thank you so much

Hi! Explaining the structure of a short story is an important aspect of literary analysis. To understand the structure, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the short story: Begin by reading the short story carefully. Pay attention to the plot, characters, setting, and any recurring themes or motifs.

2. Identify the key elements: Identify the key elements that contribute to the overall structure of the story. These elements typically include the beginning, middle, and end, as well as any important events or turning points within the narrative.

3. Define the exposition: The exposition is the introduction of the story where the characters, setting, and initial conflict or situation are established. Identify how the author sets the stage and introduces the main elements of the story.

4. Analyze the rising action: The rising action includes a series of events that lead to the story's climax. Identify the conflicts, obstacles, and complications that the characters face as the story progresses. Look for the cause-and-effect relationships that drive the narrative forward.

5. Discuss the climax: The climax is the turning point or the most intense moment in the story. Analyze how tension and conflict reach their highest point, and identify the events or decisions that lead to this pivotal moment.

6. Examine the falling action: After the climax, the story moves towards resolution. Identify the events that occur as the tension begins to subside and conflicts are resolved or addressed.

7. Explore the resolution: The resolution is the conclusion of the story where loose ends are tied up and the story comes to a close. Analyze the final events, character development, and any messages or lessons conveyed by the author.

8. Consider the narrative techniques: Pay attention to the narrative techniques used by the author. These may include flashbacks, foreshadowing, shifts in perspective or time, and other devices that shape the structure of the story.

9. Organize your analysis: When explaining the structure, you can follow a chronological approach by discussing each section of the story in order, or you can opt for a thematic approach, discussing how the structure supports the central themes of the story.

10. Provide evidence: To support your analysis, refer to specific examples from the text, such as key events or moments that illustrate the structure of the story.

By following these steps and analyzing the various components of the story's structure, you'll be able to provide a comprehensive explanation in your analysis.