When are equilibrium prices achieved?

when demand is greater than supply ***

when sellers break even

when supply equals demand

when supply is greater than demand

Look up "equilibrium" and let us know what you decide.


I think c

C. when supply equals demand

The correct answer is C. when supply equals demand.

Equilibrium prices are achieved when there is a balance between the quantity of goods or services that suppliers are willing to sell and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy. At this point, the market is in a state of equilibrium because there is no surplus or shortage of the product.

To determine when equilibrium prices are achieved, you need to consider the interaction between supply and demand in the market. When there is excess demand (more consumers want to buy a product than there is available supply), prices tend to rise. On the other hand, when there is excess supply (more products available than consumers want to buy), prices tend to fall.

In order to achieve equilibrium prices, the quantity supplied by sellers must match the quantity demanded by consumers. This occurs when supply equals demand. At this point, the market is in balance, and prices are stable.

So, option C. when supply equals demand is the correct answer.