Your friend earns $10.50 per hour. This is 125% of her hourly wage last year. How much did your friend earn per hour last year?

I am very confused and can't get it right I think my equation is off. Any pointers that might help?

If her wage last year was x, then

1.25x = 10.50
x = 8.40


To solve this problem, let's use the following equation:

New hourly wage = Previous hourly wage + (Percentage increase/100) * Previous hourly wage

Let's assign variables to the unknowns:
- New hourly wage: $10.50 (given)
- Previous hourly wage: Let's call it "x"

According to the information given in the problem, the new hourly wage is 125% of the previous hourly wage.

Plugging in these values into the equation, we get:
$10.50 = x + (125/100) * x

Simplifying this equation:
$10.50 = x + 1.25x

Combining like terms:
$10.50 = 2.25x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2.25:
$10.50 / 2.25 = x

Calculating the result:
x ≈ $4.67

So, your friend earned approximately $4.67 per hour last year.

To find out how much your friend earned per hour last year, you can set up the following equation:

x = Friend's hourly wage last year

Since your friend's current wage of $10.50 per hour is 125% of her hourly wage last year, you can express this mathematically as:

10.50 = 1.25x

To isolate x, you need to divide both sides of the equation by 1.25:

10.50 / 1.25 = x

Simplifying the equation, you get:

8.40 = x

Therefore, your friend earned $8.40 per hour last year.

Remember, in this equation, x represents the unknown value (your friend's hourly wage last year), and you need to solve for x by performing the necessary mathematical operations.