❦ <—means it’s my answer

What is the value of x in the diagram below?

*five arrows, one with the mention of 120 degrees, another with the square meaning it’s a right angle, and one being the one with x in the form of acute*
1. 30。❦
2. 60。
3. 90。
4. 120。

Do the 5 arrows come together at a point?

If they do they are the dot at the center of a circle, thus they would all add up to 360 degrees.
Without a diagram... It is very hard to tell... sorry : (

It’s ok pi, I understand ^^ no they don’t, I finished and luckily I was right, it was difficult and if it gave me the reason why it’s right I would tell you :(

To find the value of x in the given diagram, we can begin by analyzing the information provided.

From the diagram, we see that one arrow is labeled with 120 degrees, indicating that the angle formed by that arrow is 120 degrees. Another arrow is labeled with a square symbol, indicating that it is a right angle, which means it measures 90 degrees.

To find the value of x, we need to calculate the measurement of the remaining acute angle. Since the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, we can subtract the given angles from 180 to find the measure of the acute angle.

180 - 120 - 90 = 30 degrees

Therefore, the value of x in the diagram is 30 degrees. So, the correct answer is option 1: 30°.