(This is for my story) I know this is very strange, but how could a piece of broken glass play a role in a story? Like a tool or charm or something.

Broken glass could be

a) a weapon used for good or evil
b) an ornament that was broken (such as a blown glass ball... usually hung in a window to display light : ) It could have been broken for a good reason, or an evil one
c) a piece of glass could be a clue to where a garden is planted, or a body is discovered.
The possibilities are endless : )

Also, I need an elaborate answer please, if you may.

Oh my goodness! This excites me very much, I love stories.

For my story i'll sort of use b because it was the glass was from something that was broken (just as a simple accident), but what happened after that would remind my character of memories that she went through.
Thanks so much! :)

Snowflake said it was for her story...

It's a story i've been brewing, and it isn't published. (yet)

I just meant I needed a way to fit it into a plot.

Oh ok :) sorry!

No worries, Brixcuit.

Incorporating a piece of broken glass into a story can add depth and symbolism to the narrative. Here are a few ideas on how a broken glass could play a role in your story:

1. Transformation: The broken glass could symbolize the destructive force that leads to a character's transformation. It could be a metaphor for a pivotal event that shatters their old life, forcing them to rebuild and grow.

2. Clue or Evidence: The broken glass could be a critical piece of evidence in a mystery or crime novel. It may hold fingerprints or bloodstains, leading to a crucial breakthrough in solving a case.

3. Healing: In a fantasy setting, the broken glass could possess magical properties to heal wounds, either physically or emotionally. Its shards might have the power to mend broken relationships or bring spiritual and emotional restoration to characters.

4. Token of Memory: The broken glass could represent a cherished memory or a lost connection. It could be a remnant of a broken picture frame or a shattered heirloom, reminding a character of someone or something significant from their past.

5. Symbol of Fragility: The broken glass could serve as a symbol of vulnerability or weakness. It might represent a character's delicate state of mind or their susceptibility to harm. It could act as a cautionary object for them to overcome their fragilities and find strength.

To determine the specific role the broken glass might play in your story, consider the genre, themes, and character arcs. Experiment with different possibilities and elements to create a unique and engaging narrative.

Is this from a book? I might be able to help