Solve 207=2.685sin(360/365 * 207)+12.175

nothing to solve for, you have no variable in your "equation"

Btw, the left side ≠ right side

Going on the assumption that you meant

207=2.685sin(360/365 * x)+12.175
just follow the steps you learned in Algebra I.
194.825 = 2.685sin(360/365 * x)
72.561 = sin(360/365 * x)
Now we have a problem, since sin(x) is always less than 1.

So, fix your question, and give it a try. Come back with the steps you followed.

To solve the equation 207 = 2.685sin(360/365 * 207) + 12.175, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by subtracting 12.175 from both sides:
207 - 12.175 = 2.685sin(360/365 * 207)

Step 2: Simplify the expression within the sine function:
194.825 = 2.685sin(360/365 * 207)

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 2.685:
194.825 / 2.685 = sin(360/365 * 207)

Step 4: Take the inverse sine (or arcsine) of both sides to isolate the sine function:
sin^(-1)(194.825 / 2.685) = 360/365 * 207

Step 5: Evaluate the left side of the equation using a scientific calculator or math software:
sin^(-1)(194.825 / 2.685) ≈ 72.045

Step 6: Multiply both sides of the equation by 365/360 to solve for the original angle:
(365/360) * 72.045 ≈ 73.190

So the solution to the equation is approximately 73.190.