which kind of inclined plane pushes up more steeper or flatter? what do you think causes this?

A flatter inclined plane has to apply more upward force to support something (or someone) because gravity, pulling toward the center of the Earth, pulls the object more into the table.

i have no clue

thanks QwQ

I'm not that smart because I thought it was the steeper one

The steeper inclined plane pushes up more compared to the flatter inclined plane. This is due to the effect of gravity. Let me explain how you can understand this concept by using some basic principles of physics.

To determine which inclined plane pushes up more, we can analyze the forces acting on an object on the inclined plane. The two primary forces we need to consider are the force due to gravity (weight) and the normal force.

1. Weight (Force due to gravity): Every object on Earth experiences a force called weight. This force is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth).

2. Normal force: When an object is resting on an inclined plane, the plane exerts a force perpendicular to its surface called the normal force. This force counteracts the vertical component of the weight force and prevents the object from sinking into the inclined plane.

Now, let's consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Steeper inclined plane
On a steeper inclined plane, the angle of inclination is larger. As a result, the vertical component of the weight force increases, and the normal force required to counteract it also increases. Hence, more force is required to push an object up the steeper inclined plane.

Scenario 2: Flatter inclined plane
On a flatter inclined plane, the angle of inclination is smaller. This means that the vertical component of the weight force is smaller compared to the steeper inclined plane. Therefore, the normal force required to counteract it is also smaller. Consequently, less force is required to push an object up the flatter inclined plane.

In summary, a steeper inclined plane requires more force to push an object up due to the larger vertical component of the weight force and the higher normal force. On the other hand, a flatter inclined plane requires less force as the vertical component of the weight force and the normal force are smaller.

idk dude