Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Yvonne put $4,000 in a savings account. At the end of 3 years, the account had earned $960 in simple interest.

How much does she have in her account at the end of 3 years?
At what annual simple interest rate did the account grow? Show your work.
How many more dollars would she have in her account if the interest rate were 1% greater? Show your work.


4000*r*3 = 960
r = 0.08

an extra 1% of 4000 is $40 more per year

Interest = principal times rate times time

960 = 4,000 * r * 3
960 = 12,000r

Solve for r.

First question 4960?

Second question answer

Her account grew by 8%

@oobleck is correct!


Everyone here is wrong you guys gave me an F

To find out how much Yvonne has in her account at the end of 3 years, we need to add the initial amount ($4,000) to the interest earned ($960).

Step 1: Add the initial amount to the interest earned.
$4,000 + $960 = $4960

Therefore, Yvonne has $4960 in her account at the end of 3 years.

To find out the annual simple interest rate, we can use the formula for simple interest: I = P * r * t, where I is the interest, P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, and t is the time period.

Step 1: Substitute the known values into the formula.
$960 = $4,000 * r * 3

Step 2: Solve for r.
r = $960 / ($4,000 * 3)
r = $960 / $12,000
r = 0.08

Therefore, the annual simple interest rate is 0.08 or 8%.

To find out how many more dollars Yvonne would have in her account if the interest rate were 1% greater, we need to calculate the interest earned at a 1% higher rate and subtract the original interest earned.

Step 1: Calculate the interest earned at the higher rate.
New interest = $4,000 * (0.08 + 0.01) * 3 = $4,000 * 0.09 * 3 = $1,080

Step 2: Calculate the difference in interest.
Difference = New interest - Original interest
Difference = $1,080 - $960 = $120

Therefore, Yvonne would have $120 more in her account if the interest rate were 1% greater.

I finally understand! Note- on part c remember to subtract the final product by 960 to find out how much MORE she earns

thinks.....jk ik what they meant lol but uhmmmm ima try this out hopefully it works :(