What is the analogy in Robert Frost's the road not taken?

Please i need help i have read and re-read this poem and can't find the analogy.

"Analogy" means to compare two things

So in the poem The road not taken Robert Frost is comparing the two roads.
The poem O captain my captain Walt Whitman is comparing Abraham Lincoln's Assassination and the civil war.

Make sure you're clear on the meaning of "analogy."


Then read ALL of this webpage carefully.
(It regards indecision!)

In Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken," the analogy lies between the choices we make in life and the diverging paths in the woods. While the poem appears to discuss a simple decision of which path to choose, it symbolizes the broader concept of making choices and reflecting upon the outcomes.

To grasp the analogy, consider the following steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by carefully reading the entire poem to familiarize yourself with its content and form. Pay attention to the imagery, metaphors, and overall tone.

2. Identify the literal meaning: At the surface level, the poem describes a traveler who comes across a fork in the road in a wooded area. The speaker regrets that they cannot take both paths and must make a decision.

3. Recognize the symbolism: The paths in the poem represent choices in life, which might include significant decisions, opportunities, or even life-altering moments. The decision to choose one path over the other signifies making a choice that may not be easily reversed.

4. Analyze the consequences: The speaker expresses hesitation and contemplation, suggesting that whichever path they choose, it will shape their future. This notion emphasizes the analogy between the choices we make in life and the diverging paths in the woods.

5. Reflect on personal experiences: Consider your own experiences in life and the choices you have made. Reflect on the consequences of those choices and how they have influenced your present circumstances or shaped your perspective.

By following these steps, you should gain a deeper understanding of the analogy in Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and be able to apply it to your personal experiences.