Question 15 of 25

What effect did the sale of Liberty Bonds have on the American effort in World War I?

The sale of the bonds caused high unemployment and a loss in investment in U.S. businesses.

The sale of the bonds raised more than half of the funds the government spent on the war effort.

The sale of the bonds caused distrust in the government when it did not pay back the loans.

The sale of the bonds caused inequality in the United States because few people could afford to buy them.

I think it's B

To answer this question, we need to understand the impact of the sale of Liberty Bonds on the American effort in World War I.

Liberty Bonds were a way for the United States government to raise funds to finance their involvement in World War I. The government issued these bonds to the public, allowing individuals to buy them as an investment.

Option A suggests that the sale of the bonds caused high unemployment and a loss in investment in U.S. businesses. However, there is no direct evidence to support this claim.

Option B suggests that the sale of the bonds raised more than half of the funds the government spent on the war effort. This is accurate. The sale of Liberty Bonds was a significant source of funding for the United States during World War I. In fact, the bonds accounted for more than half of the funds used by the government to finance the war.

Option C suggests that the sale of the bonds caused distrust in the government when it did not pay back the loans. However, this is not true. The United States government did pay back the loans it received from the sale of Liberty Bonds, which helped maintain trust in the government.

Option D suggests that the sale of the bonds caused inequality in the United States because only a few people could afford to buy them. However, this is also not supported by evidence. While it is true that not everyone could afford to invest in the bonds, they were accessible to a wide range of people and promoted a sense of unity and patriotism.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B. The sale of the Liberty Bonds raised more than half of the funds the government spent on the war effort.