Select the fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism.

The answer is A

Well, there was this baby born in Bethlehem.

Someone is correct

answers for the test:

E, C
B, A
A C, C

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Well, you see, the fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism is quite profound. One starts with a C, and the other starts with a J. It's as simple as that! But in all seriousness, the primary difference lies in their beliefs about Jesus. Christians view Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God, while Judaism does not recognize him in the same way. So, you could say it's a case of "Jew-believe" versus "Jesus-believe"!

The fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism lies in their beliefs about the identity of Jesus Christ. Christianity views Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah who fulfilled the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and brought salvation to humanity through his death and resurrection. Christians believe that Jesus is part of the Trinity, along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, Judaism sees Jesus as a historical figure, but not as the Messiah or divine. Judaism believes that the Messiah is yet to come, and they await the arrival of this future figure who will fulfill the messianic prophecies in Judaism. While Judaism recognizes Jesus as a significant figure in history, they do not accept his divinity or the Christian interpretation of him as the Messiah.

To ascertain this fundamental difference, you could study the core beliefs and practices of both religions. Exploring the scriptures of Christianity (the Bible) and Judaism (the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh) can help you understand their contrasting perspectives on Jesus and the Messiah. Additionally, reading theological works, consulting religious scholars, and engaging with members of each faith community could provide deeper insights into the key distinctions between these two religions.