I don't understand this equation:

Given f(x)=4(x)+1 find the value.


It's fairly basic, you just plug 3 in for x, so it would be


and then you'd just simplify it :)

To understand the equation, let's break it down step by step:

1. The equation given is f(x) = 4(x) + 1. This is a linear equation, where f(x) represents the output or the value of the function when the input is x.

2. In this equation, the term 4(x) means multiplying 4 by the value of x.

3. The +1 at the end means adding 1 to the result of 4(x).

To find the value of f(3), we need to substitute x with 3 in the equation and simplify:

f(3) = 4(3) + 1

Now we can solve this expression:

4(3) + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13

So the value of f(3) is 13.