a table has a circular top that has a diameter of 12 feet. Which measurement is closest to the circumference of the tabletop in feet?

It's ok I found it. It is 37.68

C = 2 pi r

What are your choices?

I found the answer

To find the circumference of a circular tabletop, you need to use the formula:

Circumference = π × Diameter

Given that the diameter of the circular top is 12 feet, we can substitute this value into the formula:

Circumference = π × 12

Now, let's approximate the value of π to make the calculation easier. The commonly used approximation for π is 3.14 (although it is actually an irrational number with an infinite number of decimal places).

Circumference ≈ 3.14 × 12

Calculating this approximation gives us:

Circumference ≈ 37.68 feet

Therefore, the measurement closest to the circumference of the tabletop is approximately 37.68 feet.