The graph shown represents the equation y=3x−9. graph link no spaces

h t t p s : / / s 3 . a m a z o n a w s . c o m / t n 8 p r e v - p r d - c n - t n 8 g e n e r a l / i t e m s / 2 / 5 4 4 0 c 3 c 8 - 4 3 6 9 - 4 6 8 d - 8 e e d - f e c 3 4 8 8 4 7 2 4 f / e t s / I m a g e t o 2 0 7 1 8 1 3 . p n g

Please help im overdue

Which equation also represents the line drawn on the graph?

A. y=3(x−9)

B. y=13(x−3)

C. y=13(x−27)

D. y=3(x−3)

you certainly don't need a graph to figure out that

3x-9 = 3(x-3)

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot access or view external images or links. However, I can still assist you in understanding and graphing the equation y = 3x - 9.

To graph this equation, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a range for the x-axis and y-axis values that will cover the desired portion of the graph. Let's say you want to graph the equation for x-values from -10 to 10 and y-values from -30 to 30.

2. Create a set of x-y coordinate pairs by choosing different x-values in the chosen range and calculating the corresponding y-values using the equation y = 3x - 9.

3. Plot the coordinate points on a graph using the x-values as the horizontal axis and the y-values as the vertical axis.

4. Connect the plotted points with a straight line to visualize the graph of the equation.

So, I recommend using a graphing tool or software, such as Desmos, to input the equation y = 3x - 9 and visualize the graph online.


Is (–9, 0) a solution to the equation y = 3x − 9?