with the aid of a map describe the local biotic communities in nigeria

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To describe the local biotic communities in Nigeria with the aid of a map, follow these steps:

1. Access a map of Nigeria: Look for a reliable map of Nigeria either online or in a physical atlas. Ensure that the map provides sufficient detail and accurate representation of the country's geography.

2. Identify major biomes: Start by locating and identifying the major biomes present in Nigeria. Biomes are large areas with distinct vegetation and climate patterns. In Nigeria, you can expect to find the following major biomes:

a. Northern Guinea Savanna: This biome covers the northern part of the country, characterized by tall grasses, scattered trees, and dry woodland vegetation.

b. Sahel Savanna: Located in the far north, this biome is a transition zone between the Sahara Desert and the northern Guinea Savanna. It typically consists of sparser vegetation and a semi-arid climate.

c. Rainforest: The southern part of Nigeria is covered by the Guinea-Congo Rainforest, characterized by dense vegetation, tall trees, and high rainfall.

d. Freshwater Swamps: In the Niger Delta region, you can find freshwater swamps along the Niger River and its tributaries. These swamps host diverse aquatic plant and animal species.

3. Locate specific wildlife areas: Nigeria is home to several notable wildlife reserves, national parks, and protected areas. Use the map to identify and mark these locations. Some examples include:

a. Yankari National Park: Located in Bauchi State, Yankari National Park is known for its diverse wildlife, including elephants, baboons, antelopes, and numerous bird species.

b. Cross River National Park: Situated in Cross River and Akamkpa states, this park is renowned for its high biodiversity, featuring primates such as chimpanzees and gorillas, as well as various bird species.

c. Gashaka Gumti National Park: This park straddles Taraba and Adamawa states, encompassing a wide range of habitats, including montane forests and grasslands, hosting numerous mammal and bird species.

4. Consider additional factors: While examining the map, take note of other factors that may impact local biotic communities. These can include rivers, lakes, mountains, and human activities such as urban areas, agriculture, or deforestation.

Remember, as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to display or provide an actual map. However, by following these steps and utilizing a reliable map of Nigeria, you will be able to describe the local biotic communities in the country.