Multiple each of the following and write the answers in standard form.

2. (1-3i)(1+3i)


= -6 + 3i + 24i - 12i^2
= -6 + 27i + 12 , because i^2 = -1
= 6 + 27i

do #2 the same way

treat them like regular binomials, remembering that i^2 = -1

I'll do one, and then you can do any others in the same way.
= 1(-6+3i) - 4i(-6+3i)
= -6 + 3i + 24i - 12i^2
= -6 + 27i + 12
= 6 + 27i

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To multiply complex numbers, we can use the foil method, just like multiplying binomials. FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last.

1. Let's multiply (1 - 4i) and (-6 + 3i):

First, multiply the first terms:
(1) × (-6) = -6

Outer, multiply the terms on the outside:
(1) × (3i) = 3i

Inner, multiply the terms on the inside:
(-4i) × (-6) = 24i

Last, multiply the last terms:
(-4i) × (3i) = -12i^2

Now, we can combine the terms:
-6 + 3i + 24i - 12i^2

Remember that i^2 is defined as -1, so we can simplify further:
-6 + 3i + 24i + 12

Combine like terms:
6 + 27i

So, the answer in standard form is 6 + 27i.

2. Let's multiply (1 - 3i) and (1 + 3i):

First, multiply the first terms:
(1) × (1) = 1

Outer, multiply the terms on the outside:
(1) × (3i) = 3i

Inner, multiply the terms on the inside:
(-3i) × (1) = -3i

Last, multiply the last terms:
(-3i) × (3i) = -9i^2

Similar to the previous example, i^2 is -1:
1 + 3i - 3i -9i^2

Combine like terms:
1 - 9i^2

Again, i^2 is -1:
1 - 9(-1)

Simplify further:
1 + 9

The answer in standard form is 10.