whats 4-n=1234321

n = -1234317

that funny chopsticks

To solve the equation 4 - n = 1234321, you need to isolate the variable "n" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Start with the equation 4 - n = 1234321.

Step 2: We want to get rid of the constant term on the left side, so we need to add "n" to both sides of the equation. This will allow us to move the "n" term to the left side.

(4 - n) + n = 1234321 + n

Simplifying both sides, the "-n" and "+n" terms cancel out on the left side:

4 = 1234321 + n

Step 3: Now, we want to isolate the variable "n". In order to do this, we need to move the constant term "1234321" to the right side of the equation. We can achieve this by subtracting 1234321 from both sides:

4 - 1234321 = 1234321 - 1234321 + n

Simplifying both sides, the "-1234321" and "+1234321" terms cancel out on the right side:

-1234317 = n

So, the solution to the equation 4 - n = 1234321 is n = -1234317.