6.Which pair of points forms a vertical line segment? A. (-3, 5) and (-7,5) B. (3, -8) and (3, -4) C. (2,1) and (2, 3) D. ( 2,4) and (-2,4)

7. What is the length of a line segment between A(-5, 8) and B(7,8)

its (-3,-8) and (3,-4)

I have 11 questions- ;-;

I need help can someone help!

#7 is 12 units

HI is correct

I don't know if hi is correct

umm ... #1 is not A ... in a vertical line, the x-coordinates are the same

7. the y-coordinates of the points are the same
... so the distance is just the difference in the x-coordinates ... 7 - -5