what is the difference in longitude b/w

town a and town b whose local time are 8:00am and 3:00pm

well how many hours is that?

4 + 3 = 7 hours
how many degrees in 24 hours?
so how many degrees per hour?
360/24 = 15 deg/hr
so what is 7 hours times 15 degrees /hour ????
of course we could go around the earth the other way :)

35degrees per hour

To find the difference in longitude between two towns based on their local time, you need to know the time difference between their local times and then convert that difference into degrees of longitude.

In this case, the time difference between Town A's local time (8:00 am) and Town B's local time (3:00 pm) is 7 hours (3 pm minus 8 am).

To convert this time difference into degrees of longitude, we need to know that the Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours. This means that every hour, the Earth rotates 360/24 = 15 degrees.

So, to find the difference in longitude, we multiply the time difference (7 hours) by the rate of rotation (15 degrees per hour):

Difference in longitude = Time difference x Rate of rotation
= 7 hours x 15 degrees per hour
= 105 degrees

Therefore, the difference in longitude between Town A and Town B is 105 degrees.