Do you think tomato and turnip seeds would need the same amount of light as the bean seeds? Explain

Can you help me with this question? Any links. Thank you!

To determine if tomato and turnip seeds require the same amount of light as bean seeds, we need to consider their light requirements individually. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research the light requirements of each plant: Look up the specific light needs of tomato, turnip, and bean plants. You can do this by searching for the plant's name along with keywords like "light requirements" or "ideal light conditions" on a search engine like Google. Different plants have varying needs for light, depending on factors like their natural habitat, growth stage, and overall light intensity requirement.

2. Compare the findings: Once you've gathered information on the light requirements of tomato, turnip, and bean plants, compare their needs. Look for similarities or differences in the amount of light they require. For example, some plants may require full sun, while others can tolerate partial shade.

3. Analyze the results: Based on your research, determine if the tomato and turnip seeds indeed require the same amount of light as bean seeds. If their light requirements are similar, you can conclude that they need the same amount of light. If they have different needs, you can explain how they differ and which plants require more or less light.

Remember to consult reliable sources and scientific studies for accurate information on each plant's light requirements. Additionally, you can consult gardening books, websites, or horticultural forums for more information and experiences from fellow gardeners.

As an AI language model, I cannot provide specific links. However, using search engines like Google will help you find numerous resources to research the light requirements of tomato, turnip, and bean plants.