The dirk family tips their newspaper carrier for delivering the newspaper. They tip 10% of what they pay for the subscription. they paid 20% in tips for the entire year. How much does their newspaper subscription cost a year? please help in confused, do I divide, multiply- ?!

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic equations to find the cost of the newspaper subscription.

Let's assume the cost of the subscription is represented by "C."

According to the information given, the Dirk family tips 10% of what they pay for the subscription. Therefore, the amount they tip is 10% of the cost, which is represented as 0.10C.

It is given that the Dirks pay 20% in tips for the entire year. So, the total amount of money they pay in tips for the whole year is 20% of the cost, which is represented as 0.20C.

We can now set up the equation to represent the situation:

0.20C = the total amount they pay in tips for the year

We want to find the cost of the subscription for the year, so we need to isolate C. To do that, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.20:

0.20C / 0.20 = the total amount they pay in tips for the year / 0.20


C = (the total amount they pay in tips for the year) / 0.20

So, to find the cost of the newspaper subscription for the year, you need to divide the total amount they pay in tips for the year by 0.20.