Transform the following sentences into the negative. Py attention to elision. Remember, elision is when you delete the -e from ne when it comes before a vowel.

Les Mrtin sont méricins ? Non, ils
Isbelle est frnçise ? Non, elle
Vous êtes enseignnt ? Non, je
urélie est itlienne ? Non, elle
Vous êtes cndiens ? Non, nous

To transform the sentences into the negative form, pay attention to elision, which involves deleting the -e from "ne" when it comes before a vowel.

1. Les Martin sont médecins? Non, ils ne sont pas médecins.
Explanation: To make the sentence negative, we add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb. Since "ne" comes before a vowel sound (in this case, the "o" in "sont"), we need to elide the -e from "ne" and write it as "n'".

2. Isabelle est française? Non, elle n'est pas française.
Explanation: Again, we add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb to make the sentence negative. We elide the -e from "ne" because it comes before a vowel sound (in this case, the "e" in "est").

3. Vous êtes enseignant? Non, je ne suis pas enseignant.
Explanation: We add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb to create the negative form. Since "ne" comes before a vowel sound (in this case, the "e" in "êtes"), we elide the -e from "ne" and write it as "n'".

4. Aurélie est italienne? Non, elle n'est pas italienne.
Explanation: We add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb to make the sentence negative. We do not need to elide the -e from "ne" here because it does not come before a vowel sound.

5. Vous êtes Canadiens? Non, nous ne sommes pas Canadiennes.
Explanation: We add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb to create the negative form. However, since "ne" does not come before a vowel sound, we do not need to elide the -e.