A circular wheel has a diameter of 14cm how far will it roll in 5 revolution. (π=22/7)


14 * π * 5 ... cm

To find the distance the circular wheel will roll in 5 revolutions, we need to calculate the circumference of the wheel and multiply it by the number of revolutions.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is given by C = π*d, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter. Given that the diameter of the wheel is 14 cm and using the value of π as 22/7, we can calculate the circumference as follows:

C = (22/7) * 14 cm
C = (22/7) * 2 * r, where r is the radius (half of the diameter)
C = (22/7) * 2 * (14/2) cm
C = (22/7) * 2 * 7 cm
C = (22/7) * 14 cm
C = 44 cm

So, the circumference of the wheel is 44 cm.

To find the distance rolled in 5 revolutions, we need to multiply the circumference by the number of revolutions:

Distance = Circumference * Number of revolutions
Distance = 44 cm * 5
Distance = 220 cm

Therefore, the circular wheel will roll a distance of 220 cm in 5 revolutions.

To find the distance that the circular wheel will roll in 5 revolutions, we need to calculate the circumference of the wheel and then multiply it by the number of revolutions.

The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula C = πd, where C is the circumference, π is the mathematical constant (approximated as 22/7), and d is the diameter of the circle.

Given that the diameter of the wheel is 14 cm, we can substitute this value into the formula to find the circumference:
C = πd
C = (22/7) * 14 cm
C = (22/7) * 2 * 7 cm
C = 44 cm

Now that we know the circumference of the wheel is 44 cm, we can multiply it by the number of revolutions to find the distance it will roll:
Distance = Circumference * Number of Revolutions
Distance = 44 cm * 5 revolutions
Distance = 220 cm

Therefore, the circular wheel will roll a distance of 220 cm in 5 revolutions.