Multiple Choice

Identify the decimal and simplified fractional form of 60%.
A. 0.6 and start fraction 4 over 5 end fraction
B. 0.6 and three-fifths
C. 0.06 and three-fifths
D. 0.06 and six-tenths
plz help

1. B

2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. B
(this is only if you go to Conexus academy)

i just took the test and these were my answers

Thanks strxberry

well, 60 percent = 60/100

so, ...

@strxberry is right for 2022 conexus students!!

1. 0.6 and 3/5

2. 9/20
3. 44%
4. 6/8, 80%, 17/20, 0.92
5. 6
6. 47.6
7. 84
8. 1/3

thank youuuu


To identify the decimal and simplified fractional form of 60%, we first need to understand what percent represents.

"Percent" means "per hundred," so when we say 60%, we mean 60 per hundred. In decimal form, this can be represented by dividing 60 by 100.

Step 1: Divide 60 by 100:
60 ÷ 100 = 0.6

So the decimal form of 60% is 0.6.

Now, let's find the simplified fractional form of 0.6. To express a decimal as a fraction, we can look at the place value of the decimal.

Step 2: Identify the place value:
The number 0.6 is in the tenths place (one place after the decimal point).

Step 3: Write the decimal as a fraction:
The tenths place is one-tenth (1/10). So 0.6 can be written as 6/10.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction:
The fraction 6/10 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2.
6 ÷ 2 = 3 (numerator), and 10 ÷ 2 = 5 (denominator).

Therefore, the simplified fractional form of 0.6 is 3/5.

So the answer is option A: 0.6 and start fraction 4 over 5 end fraction is incorrect.
The correct answer is option B: 0.6 and three-fifths.

omgg thxxx all your all sooo much helpp <3