Think about the dialogue between Father William and his son. In a paragraph, discuss what this poem has to tell the reader about youth and old age. In making your points, cite three details from the poem. (Cannot provide poem sadly)

Well from what i read this is what i have,

Father William was explaining that he had gotten stronger in his youth “I took to the law, and argued each case with my wife,” he then explained that’s what made his jaw strong and still useable when old. He also explained that he “kept all of his limbs very supple by the use of this ointment” which is what kept his flexible with stronger muscle. Along with that he stated that that he had no brain so it was fine that he would “incessantly stand on your (in this case it would be his) head.” So in conclusion, if you take care of yourself you’ll be better when you’re older.

Lewis carroll

Father William- gee-

In analyzing the dialogue between Father William and his son, the poem sheds light on the contrasting perspectives of youth and old age. First, the poem emphasizes the boundless energy and curiosity of youth, as the son questions Father William's ability to perform physical tasks. The reference to the son's assumption that the father's body has weakened with age suggests the common perception of old age as a period of decline. Additionally, Father William's response showcases his wisdom and experience, indicating that old age can bring a breadth of knowledge and life lessons. Moreover, Father William's ability to balance an eel on the end of his nose exemplifies a vibrant imagination and a carefree spirit, highlighting the sense of playfulness that can often fade with age. These details illustrate the poem's underlying message that while youth may possess vigor and vitality, old age brings wisdom and a deeper appreciation of life's wonders. This dialogue serves as a reminder to embrace the different stages of life, understanding the unique traits and offerings of both youth and old age.

That's not the full title, but … oh, well.

Read it aloud and find two places where sentences end and periods are needed. There's also a place where a comma is needed.

The content is fine.

First of all, what is the title of this? Who is the poet?