In a triathlon, Farhan swims a distance of 1.5 km at an average speed of 2.5 km/h, cycles 40 km in 1/1/2 hours and runs at an average speed of 9 km/h for 1/1/9 hours. Find his average speed for the entire competition

To find Farhan's average speed for the entire triathlon, we need to calculate the total distance covered and the total time taken.

Let's start by finding the total distance covered:

Distance swum = 1.5 km
Distance cycled = 40 km
Distance run = 9 km

Total distance = Distance swum + Distance cycled + Distance run
Total distance = 1.5 km + 40 km + 9 km
Total distance = 50.5 km

Now, let's calculate the total time taken:

Time taken for swimming = Distance / Speed = 1.5 km / 2.5 km/h = 0.6 hours
Time taken for cycling = 1 1/2 hours = 1.5 hours
Time taken for running = 1 1/9 hours = 1.11 hours

Total time = Time taken for swimming + Time taken for cycling + Time taken for running
Total time = 0.6 hours + 1.5 hours + 1.11 hours
Total time = 3.21 hours

Finally, we can calculate Farhan's average speed for the entire competition:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 50.5 km / 3.21 hours
Average speed ≈ 15.7 km/h

Therefore, Farhan's average speed for the entire competition is approximately 15.7 km/h.

To find Farhan's average speed for the entire triathlon, we need to calculate the total distance he covered and the total time it took him.

First, let's calculate the distance covered in each portion of the triathlon:
- Distance swam: 1.5 km
- Distance cycled: 40 km
- Distance ran: We need to convert the time it took Farhan to minutes: 1 hour + 1/9 hour = 60 minutes + 6.67 minutes = 66.67 minutes. So, Distance ran = Speed x Time = 9 km/h x (66.67 minutes / 60 minutes) = 9 km/h x 1.11 = 10 km.

Next, let's calculate the total distance covered by adding up the distances from each portion of the triathlon:
Total distance = Distance swam + Distance cycled + Distance ran = 1.5 km + 40 km + 10 km = 51.5 km.

Now, let's calculate the total time taken to complete the triathlon:
Time taken = Time taken for swimming + Time taken for cycling + Time taken for running = Distance swam / Speed + Time taken for cycling + Distance ran / Speed
Time taken for swimming = Distance swam / Speed = 1.5 km / 2.5 km/h = 0.6 hours.
Time taken for cycling = 1.5 hours (1 hour + 1/2 hour).
Time taken for running = Distance ran / Speed = 10 km / 9 km/h = 1.11 hours.

Total time taken = Time taken for swimming + Time taken for cycling + Time taken for running = 0.6 hours + 1.5 hours + 1.11 hours = 3.21 hours.

Finally, to find Farhan's average speed for the entire triathlon, we divide the total distance by the total time:
Average speed = Total distance / Total time = 51.5 km / 3.21 hours ≈ 16.02 km/h.

Therefore, Farhan's average speed for the entire competition is approximately 16.02 km/h.

Find the total distance for all 3 events

Find the total times taken for the swim, the bike ride and the run

avg speed = total distance/total time
let me know what you get.