What is the probability of the spinner landing on red or yellow

What is the probability of landing on purple or yellow?

To calculate the probability of the spinner landing on red or yellow, we need to know the total number of equally likely outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

If the spinner has only two colors, red and yellow, and they are equally likely to occur, then there are two equally likely outcomes.

If the spinner has one red section and one yellow section, then there is one favorable outcome for each color.

So, in this case, the probability of the spinner landing on red or yellow is 2 favorable outcomes out of 2 equally likely outcomes, which simplifies to 1 or 100%.

To calculate the probability in other scenarios, we would need to know the specific details of the spinner, such as the number of sections and the distribution of colors.

What does your spinner look like? And, what does this have to do with literacy?
