Read the sentence, which does not use parallel structure.

Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edited them for inconsistencies, added multiple layers of shapes and colors, and testing them with a new projector.

Which option correctly revises the sentence?

A. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, added multiple layers of colors and shapes, and tested them with a new projector.

B. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, adds multiple layers of colors and shapes, and testing them with a new projector.

C. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, editing them for inconsistencies, adding multiple layers of shapes and colors, and testing them with a new projector.

D. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, adding multiple layers of colors and shapes, and tests them with a new projector.

can someone help me please I am having a hard time understanding!

Here's why that original sentence is not parallel:

Every day after work, Sam enjoyed
~ adding new visuals to his music videos,
~ edited them for inconsistencies,
~ added multiple layers of shapes and colors, and
~ testing them with a new projector.

Two of those participles are present (-ing) and two are in past (-ed). Which of the choices fixes* that error AND keeps the original meaning?

*That is, makes them all end in -ing or all in -ed?

To identify which option correctly revises the sentence by using parallel structure, let's break down the original sentence and analyze each part.

The original sentence is:

"Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edited them for inconsistencies, added multiple layers of shapes and colors, and testing them with a new projector."

In this sentence, the first part uses the simple past tense ("Sam enjoyed adding"), but the subsequent parts use different verb forms (edited, added, testing). This lack of parallelism makes the sentence grammatically incorrect.

To correct this sentence, we need to ensure that all the verbs follow the same structure. Let's analyze each option provided:

A. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, added multiple layers of colors and shapes, and tested them with a new projector.

In this option, the verb forms are inconsistent. "Enjoyed" (past tense) is not parallel with "edits" (simple present tense), "added" (past tense) is not parallel with "tested" (past tense).

B. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, adds multiple layers of colors and shapes, and testing them with a new projector.

This option also has inconsistent verb forms. "Enjoyed" (past tense) is not parallel with "edits" (simple present tense), "adds" (simple present tense) is not parallel with "testing" (present participle).

D. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, edits them for inconsistencies, adding multiple layers of colors and shapes, and tests them with a new projector.

In this option, "enjoyed" (past tense) is parallel with "edits" (simple present tense), "adding" (present participle) is parallel with "adding" (present participle), and "tests" (simple present tense) is parallel with "tests" (simple present tense). This option maintains parallel structure throughout the sentence.

Therefore, the correct revised sentence is:

C. Every day after work, Sam enjoyed adding new visuals to his music videos, editing them for inconsistencies, adding multiple layers of shapes and colors, and testing them with a new projector.