Analyzing Your Data
1. Use the data table below to record the number of lighted squares.
2. Count the approximate number of squares inside each light outline. Record your counts in the data table below. NOTE: For partial squares, estimate how much of the square is included. For example, if it looks like one-fourth of the square is included, add 0.25 to your total. If it looks like half of the square is included, add 0.5 to your total. (Use decimals, not fractions.)

Questions & Conclusions
Answer the questions below:

1) Identify the independent variable in this experiment.
2) Identify the dependent variable in this experiment.
3) Identify two constants in this experiment.
4) How did the number of squares inside the outline change as the degree of tilt increased?
5) How did the brightness or intensity of the light change as the degree of tilt increased?
6) Explain how this demonstration models the way in which the intensity of sunlight shining on Earth changes over the course of the year. Be detailed in your explanation.
7) Which degree of tilt (0-green, 10-blue, 20-purple, 30-orange or 40-black) produced light similar to what North America experiences in summer? Explain your answer.
8) What would be the effect on the seasons and the northern and southern hemispheres if Earth were not tilted? Explain your answer.

I put 5 9 15 20 26 cause that's all that I seen

I got 5 9 15 20 26

the anime is redo healer it about doing science and solveing stufff


1) The independent variable in this experiment is the degree of tilt. This means that the researchers deliberately change the degree of tilt and examine the effects of this change on the other variables.

To find the answer for Question 1, you need to analyze the experiment description and identify the factor that is purposely manipulated or changed by the researchers. In this case, the degree of tilt is purposely changed, and hence it is the independent variable.

2) The dependent variable in this experiment is the number of squares inside the outline. The researchers measure and record the number of squares for each degree of tilt. The dependent variable is the outcome or response that is being measured and observed as a result of changing the independent variable.

To find the answer for Question 2, you need to identify what is being measured or observed in response to the changes in the independent variable. In this case, the number of squares inside the outline is being measured, and hence it is the dependent variable.

3) Two constants in this experiment are the brightness or intensity of the light and the size and shape of the outline. These factors remain the same throughout the experiment and do not change.

To find the answer for Question 3, you need to identify the factors that are intentionally kept constant throughout the experiment. In this case, the brightness or intensity of the light and the size and shape of the outline are not changed, and hence they are constants.

To answer questions 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, you will need to analyze and interpret the data and information given in the text. Unfortunately, the specific data and text needed to answer those questions have not been provided in your question. If you provide more information, I would be happy to assist you in finding the answers to these questions as well.

No one here will write your assignments for you. However, if you post what you write, a science tutor may be able to critique your work.

In addition, what does this mean? ~~> "Use the data table below to record the number of lighted squares."