I have to write an expository essay on a topic and Im just burned out. Any ideas of how to rebound here? Every time I try to focus on it I get lost again. Between work and everything else Im bummed.....Help!!

There are MANY good websites in here that explain how to write expository papers. Purdue's is probably the best.


Just remember that "expository" means you're going to EXPLAIN something — and that usually means "explain why"!!

OK, what is one major thing (there may be many, but choose just one) that everyone needs to understand in order to practice safety in your work field.

Write a GOOD thesis statement for that topic. See this webpage for examples of not-good and really-good thesis statements:

1. Introduction paragraph, with thesis statement at the end
2. Paragraph about one main supporting point and your explanation.
3. Paragraph about one main supporting point and your explanation.
4. Paragraph about the most important supporting point and your explanation.
5. Conclusion paragraph

Here are webpages explaining intros and concls:

Any particular topics in mind? I don't want to suggest things that you have no interest in.

Well Im in construction safety and I was thinking the Nuclear Field would be a great topic.

Thank You! At my age I can think of what I want to say and type its just how to present it in a professional way is whats tough!

Then my best suggestion is this, writing it all in your own words, not worrying about grammar or spelling, etc., yet:

~~ Write a plan first. Use the numbers as I did above, but put your words in there instead of my labels.

~~ Write/type out each internal paragraph, one at a time. The first sentence (topic sentence) in each paragraph should be a main idea proving that the thesis statement is true. The supporting sentences in each paragraph explain the topic sentence.

~~ Then write the introduction, ending with your thesis statement.

~~ Finally write the conclusion.

After you have your rough draft together,* you'll be able to start smoothing things out, working on spelling, complete sentences, etc.

*I used to write the paragraphs on separate pages and then tape them together in the order I wanted (or rearrange them!) before working on editing and proofreading.

Once you think you're done, put the whole paper through this:
You may find yourself making more corrections — or you may find that all is well.

Here is a really good index to all kinds of grammar and writing topics.
For example, if Grammarly tells you there are fragments or comma splices, you can look up those terms here and get explanations of how to make corrections.

Feeling burned out and struggling to focus on writing an expository essay can be frustrating, but there are several strategies you can try to rebound and regain your motivation. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Take a break: Give yourself permission to step away from the essay for a little while. Take a walk, engage in a hobby, or simply relax. This can help clear your mind and alleviate some of the burnout you're experiencing.

2. Break it down: Instead of focusing on the entire essay, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Start by outlining your essay or brainstorming ideas for each section. Breaking it down into smaller pieces can make the task seem less overwhelming.

3. Create a schedule: Plan specific times dedicated to your essay. Set realistic goals for each writing session. For example, you might dedicate an hour in the morning or evening solely to work on your essay. Having a structured schedule can provide a sense of routine and make it easier to get started.

4. Find a conducive environment: Create an environment that is conducive to concentration. Find a quiet space where you can limit distractions, such as turning off your phone or installing website blockers to prevent unnecessary interruptions.

5. Seek inspiration: Explore different sources of inspiration related to your essay topic. Read books, articles, or academic papers to gather ideas and information that can help you generate content. Exposing yourself to different perspectives can stimulate your thinking and reignite your curiosity.

6. Seek support: Reach out to friends, classmates, or instructors for support. Discussing your essay topic with others can help generate new ideas and provide a fresh perspective. Alternatively, you can consider joining study groups or writing circles where you can find motivation from fellow writers.

7. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in stress-reducing activities like exercise or meditation. Taking care of yourself will enable you to approach your essay with a clearer mind and more energy.

Remember, it's normal to feel burned out from time to time, especially with numerous responsibilities. Take it one step at a time, be patient with yourself, and celebrate each small achievement.