In a bag full of small balls, 1/4 of these balls are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow and the remaining 26 white. How many balls are blue?

My answer: Six balls are blue.

Is that correct?


n balls

n/4 green = 6 n/24
n/8 blue = 3 n/24
n/12 yellow = 2 n/24
sum = 11 n/24 so 13 n/24 are white
13 n/24 = 26
n = 24 * 26 / 13
n/8 = blue = 3 *26/13 = 3*2 = 6

Thank you R_Scott and Damon.

To find the number of blue balls, we need to determine the total number of balls in the bag and then calculate 1/8 of that total.

From the information given, we know that 1/4 of the balls are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow, and the remaining 26 are white.

Let's first find the fraction representing the proportion of the balls that are not white. This can be calculated as: 1 - 26/total, since 26 is the number of white balls.

The fractions representing the non-white colors are:
Green: 1/4
Blue: 1/8
Yellow: 1/12

If we add these fractions together, it should equal the fraction representing the non-white balls:
1/4 + 1/8 + 1/12 = 6/24 + 3/24 + 2/24 = 11/24

Now, we can set up the equation:
11/24 = 1 - 26/total

To solve for total, we can cross-multiply:
11 * total = 24 - 26
11 * total = -2
total = -2/11

Since we cannot have a negative number of balls, there must be an error in the given information. Please double-check the problem statement and provide accurate information.