A relation contains the points (-5,-10) , (-2,-4), (-1,-2),(4,8), (5,10). Is this a function? Explain (2 points)

Can I please get help

consider the pairs (x,y)

if no value of x is related to more than one value of y, then it is a function.

ok thank you so much oobleck

To determine if the relation is a function, we need to see if each x-value is paired with only one y-value.

First, let's look at the x-values in the relation:
-5, -2, -1, 4, 5

Now, let's look at the corresponding y-values:
-10, -4, -2, 8, 10

If we observe closely, we can see that each x-value is paired with a unique y-value; there are no repeating x-values. So, based on this observation, we can conclude that the given relation is indeed a function.

You can also check this by using the horizontal line test. Draw a horizontal line through the graph of the relation. If the line intersects the relation at more than one point, then it is not a function. But if the line only intersects at most one point, then it is a function. In this case, any horizontal line we draw will only intersect the graph of the relation at most once, confirming that it is a function.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you determine whether the given relation is a function.

To determine if a relation is a function, we need to check if each input (x-value) of the relation is associated with exactly one output (y-value). In other words, for each x-value, there should be only one corresponding y-value.

Let's examine the given relation:
(-5,-10), (-2,-4), (-1,-2), (4,8), (5,10)

To check if it is a function, we need to see if each x-value is associated with only one y-value.

Looking at the x-values, we have -5, -2, -1, 4, and 5. Notice that each x-value has a unique y-value associated with it. This means that for each x-value, there is only one corresponding y-value.

Therefore, based on the given relation, we can conclude that it is indeed a function.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.