Hey could you check my answer

1. What causes currents to move in circular patterns?

A.surface currents

B.deep currents


D.coriolis effect *****

i think its D

correct, D.


If you got a 50% just like me Im so sorry. I will give you the real answers!

1. Coriolis effect
2. A surface current
3. Curve clockwise
4. Surface currents move in circular patterns across earth.
Correct answers for connexus!
Trust me 100%!

anyone have answers to the entier thing? all i have is 1: D 2: A :/

correct answers-

1- D
2- A
3- A

I got a 50% from them, so heres the right answers!

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. C
Have a wonderful day.<3

number 2 is not a its b=B 2-B