is this correct:

solve by using the quadratic formula


what i keep getting is this:

(-1 +/- sqrt 61)/(10) or should i reduce the denominator to 5 or is my whole answer incorrect?

(-1 +/- sqrt 61)/(10) looks correct. You do not need to reduce it down, it already is. Nice job, I'm impressed!

(-1 +/- sqrt 61)/(10) is the correct answer.

no number divides into 10 and the numbers on top, so you are done

some people would write this as -1/10 +/- sqrt(61)/10 but what would be the advantage of that?

(-1 +/- sqrt 61)/(10) is the most simplified form of the answer, so there is no need to reduce it further.

As for writing it as -1/10 +/- sqrt(61)/10, it is a matter of personal preference and convention. Some people prefer to have each term with a common denominator in order to make comparisons or additions easier. However, in this case, since the denominator is the same for both terms, it does not offer any significant advantage. The form (-1 +/- sqrt 61)/(10) is perfectly fine and commonly used.