Match each equation to the value of x that results in the equation containing division by 0.

y= -4/x
answers to choose from: x=0, x=3, x=-3, x=2, x=-2, x=1/2, x=-1/2

thank you

To determine which value of x results in division by 0, we need to find the values that make the denominators of the equations equal to 0. Let's analyze each equation:

1. y = -4/x: To find the value of x that makes the denominator 0, we set x = 0. So, the answer is x = 0.

2. y = 6x/(x - 2): For this equation, we need to set the denominator (x - 2) equal to 0. Solve the equation x - 2 = 0 to find x = 2. Therefore, the answer is x = 2.

3. y = 2/(3x + 6): To make the denominator (3x + 6) equal to 0, we solve 3x + 6 = 0. Subtract 6 from both sides to get 3x = -6, then divide both sides by 3, resulting in x = -2. The answer is x = -2.

So, the correct matching is:
y = -4/x --> x = 0
y = 6x/(x - 2) --> x = 2
y = 2/(3x + 6) --> x = -2

jus look at the denominator. When does it equal zero?

For example when is 3x+6 = 0 ?