Explain me about potential dividers and potentiometers. Also the potentiometers used to compare cell e.m.f.s

Don't give me links.Tell me in your words.

google is the first place to try, when all you have is a general question. Then tell us some of your ideas, and we maybe can help focus the discussion. But don't expect us to do your whole assignment, even including the research!

This part of your question is why oobleck believes you were asking him to do your assignment ~~> "Don't give me links.Tell me in your words."

He is also trying to get you to be less dependent on other people. Thus the sentence about using Google for information and learning. Like these:


Do you see that I copied and pasted the main part of each question into www.google.com and added "physics" before pressing Enter?

Sure! I'd be happy to explain potential dividers and potentiometers to you.

A potential divider, also known as a voltage divider, is an electronic circuit that divides a voltage into smaller fractions using a combination of resistors. It consists of two or more resistors connected in series, with an input voltage applied across the resistors. The output voltage is taken from the junction between the resistors.

To calculate the output voltage of a potential divider, you would use the voltage divider formula: Vout = Vin * (R2 / (R1 + R2)), where Vin is the input voltage, R1 is the resistance connected to the input side, and R2 is the resistance connected to the output side. The output voltage will be a fraction of the input voltage determined by the resistances.

Potentiometers, on the other hand, are variable resistors that allow you to manually adjust the resistance by rotating a shaft or turning a knob. They consist of a resistive element and a movable contact, called the wiper, which can be adjusted to vary the resistance. This allows you to control the output voltage or current in a circuit.

Potentiometers are commonly used in audio equipment to adjust volume, tone, and balance. They can also be used to control the speed of motors, adjust the brightness of a display, or set the position of a control, like in a joystick.

Now, let's talk about potentiometers used to compare cell electromotive forces (e.m.f.s). This technique is known as a potentiometric method. In this setup, two cells with different electromotive forces are connected to a potentiometer circuit.

The potentiometer circuit is typically designed as a potential divider, with a known reference voltage connected to one side and the cell being tested connected to the other side through a high resistance. By adjusting the wiper position of the potentiometer, the two voltages can be balanced until no current flows through the circuit. At this point, the balance condition is achieved, and the ratio of the two electromotive forces can be determined using the known voltage and the wiper position.

This method allows for the comparison of cell electromotive forces without the need for a direct measurement using a voltmeter or ammeter. Instead, it relies on a balancing technique based on the principles of potential dividers and potentiometers.

I hope this explanation helps you understand potential dividers, potentiometers, and their application in comparing cell e.m.f.s. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

I am not telling you do assignments.I am asking to explain it to me.