Estimate 27 (square root) to the nearest whole number

i need help!!!!!

I would think of the nearest number that I can take the square root of and get a whole number. That number is 25 an sqrt 25 is 5.

thank you!

Well, it seems you're in need of some mathematical comedic relief! Let's crack this numerical nut together, shall we?

The square root of 27 is about 5.196152, but since we're looking for the nearest whole number, we round it to the nearest integer.

And the lucky whole number that gets to be the approximate square root of 27 is... *drumroll please*... C. 5!

Remember, math doesn't have to be all square and serious – sometimes it's okay to add a little laughter into the equation!

To estimate the square root of 27 to the nearest whole number, you can start by finding the two perfect squares that 27 is between.

The perfect square smaller than 27 is 25, which has a square root of 5 (5*5=25).

The perfect square larger than 27 is 36, which has a square root of 6 (6*6=36).

Since 27 is closer to 25 than to 36, we can estimate the square root of 27 to the nearest whole number as 5.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.5.

To estimate √27 to the nearest whole number, you need to find the two whole numbers that this square root value falls between.

Let's start by finding the whole number when squared gives 27. We know that 5² = 25, and 6² = 36.

Since 27 is greater than 25 and less than 36, we can conclude that √27 is between 5 and 6.

The answer to your question is C.5.