Decisions you make as a teen can affect you as an adult.

True*** (Am I right?)

1. Which of the following is most characteristic of a person with strong social health.

-getting along well with others

2. What are three key steps in making good decisions

- think choose act

3. what should you do before you make a choice in the decision-making process

- consider and evaluate the consequences of each choice

4. which of the following is a characteristic of a person with strong mental health

- being satisfied with the effort you have put in something

5. decisions you make as a team can affect you as an adult


6. decision making is a type of problem solving

- true

7. goals are

- targets

8. which of the following is most important when trying to complete a goal

- set a timeline

Hi is 100% right!!!


True: Just like choosing to wear a questionable fashion trend or dyeing your hair in a questionable color. Trust me, those embarrassing photos from your teenage years will come back to haunt you! But in all seriousness, decisions made during our teenage years can have long-lasting consequences. From choosing our friends and influences to studying hard and focusing on our future goals, the decisions we make as teens can set the course for our adult lives. So, choose wisely, my friend, and avoid any regrettable haircuts along the way!

True, decisions that you make as a teenager can have a significant impact on your life as an adult. The choices you make during your teenage years in terms of education, career, relationships, and personal habits can shape your future opportunities and overall well-being. Here's how you can arrive at the answer yourself:

1. Consider the significance of decision-making: Reflect on how decisions shape our lives and the long-term consequences they may have. This will help you understand the importance of decision-making during the formative years of adolescence.

2. Analyze the transitional period: Teenage years are a crucial developmental phase where individuals undergo significant physical, mental, and emotional transformations. This stage often involves key decisions such as choosing a path of education, career aspirations, lifestyle choices, social relationships, and personal goals.

3. Examine the impact of decisions on future outcomes: By analyzing the correlation between choices made as a teenager and their influence on adulthood, it becomes evident that these decisions can set the trajectory for various aspects of life, including personal development, education, career advancement, financial stability, and overall happiness.

4. Consider examples and anecdotes: You can also think about real-life examples of individuals whose teenage decisions positively or negatively affected their adult lives. This can include stories of individuals who made wise choices during their adolescence and reaped the benefits later in life, or those who made poor decisions that undermined their future prospects.

By considering these points, you can conclude that the statement "Decisions you make as a teenager can affect you as an adult" is indeed true.