Drag and drop the words into the correct locations.

The European model was the first weather model to correctly predict that Hurricane Sandy would ___________, while the American model's early prediction was that Hurricane Sandy would __________.

1.turn right and head out to sea 2. turn left toward the coast 3.weaken before heading south 4.strenghten before moving away from shore

please help me choose two to go in the passage

The European model was the first weather model to correctly predict that Hurricane Sandy would turn left toward the coast, while the American model's early prediction was that Hurricane Sandy would turn right and head out to sea.

1. Structure, Key concept, Develop, Refine

2. By providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling
3. With historical information
4. When the text is complex
I talk to my ex n play with my HEXagon and they dont know how to beg as im checkin my checks
aint no way to flex as you cant even look up to see if gods still checking on ya

ya'll are so useless.


Why does the US MODEL FOR PREDICTING SEVERE WEATHER ALWAYS SEEM TO BE 2nd Best Weather Prediction System Compared to the EUROPEAN MODEL?


Mr. Chairman is 100% correct you can trust him and thank you 😘

whats the answer?

For two objects experiencing Response area between them, the strength of the force increases as Response area increases, and decreases as Response area increases.


To choose the correct words to complete the passage, we need to understand the context and information given. The passage mentions the European and American weather models predicting the path and behavior of Hurricane Sandy. We can infer that the European model accurately predicted something different than the American model's early prediction.

Let's analyze the given options:

1. Turn right and head out to sea: This option suggests that Hurricane Sandy would change direction to the right and move away from the coast. It could be a possible accurate prediction by the European model if Hurricane Sandy did not hit the coast.

2. Turn left toward the coast: This option suggests that Hurricane Sandy would change direction to the left and move towards the coast. It could be a possible accurate prediction by the American model if Hurricane Sandy did hit the coast.

3. Weaken before heading south: This option suggests that Hurricane Sandy would lose strength and move in a southern direction. It does not provide any information about the accuracy of the European and American models' predictions.

4. Strengthen before moving away from shore: This option suggests that Hurricane Sandy would gain strength before moving away from the coast. It does not provide any information about the accuracy of the European and American models' predictions.

Based on the passage, we can conclude that option 1 most likely fits that European model's prediction, accurately stating that Hurricane Sandy would turn right and head out to sea. And option 2 would most likely fit the American model's prediction, accurately stating that Hurricane Sandy would turn left toward the coast.

So, you should select option 1 for the European model and option 2 for the American model to complete the passage.