Based on this passage, which statement is FICTIONAL?

A) Rattlesnakes were always lurking about.
B) During those first months, the Shimerdas never went to town.
C) Mrs. Shimerda realized it was important that one member of the family should learn English.
D) Antonia hated to help grandmother in the kitchen and to learn about cooking and housekeeping.

answer: c

What passage?

i need help

To determine which statement is fictional, you need to evaluate each statement and identify if it contradicts with any facts or details mentioned in the passage. Let's analyze each statement:

A) "Rattlesnakes were always lurking about."
This statement may or may not be fictional. To confirm its accuracy, you should look for evidence in the passage that mentions the presence or absence of rattlesnakes. If the passage states that there were no rattlesnakes or no mention of rattlesnakes at all, then this statement would be fictional.

B) "During those first months, the Shimerdas never went to town."
This statement may or may not be fictional. To verify its accuracy, search for any information in the passage that discusses whether the Shimerdas didn't go to town during the first months. If the passage contradicts this statement by mentioning instances where the Shimerdas did go to town, then this statement would be fictional.

C) "Mrs. Shimerda realized it was important that one member of the family should learn English."
This statement is likely factual because it provides an insight into Mrs. Shimerda's perspective and motivations. It doesn't contradict any information presented in the passage.

D) "Antonia hated to help grandmother in the kitchen and to learn about cooking and housekeeping."
This statement may or may not be fictional. Look for any details in the passage that mention Antonia's feelings towards helping in the kitchen and learning about cooking and housekeeping. If the passage contradicts this statement by stating that Antonia enjoyed or didn't hate these tasks, then this statement would be fictional.

By examining the evidence in the passage, you should be able to determine which statement is fictional.