A wire 32 cm long is cut into two pieces. The longer piece is 2 cm longer than the shorter piece.

Find the length of the shorter piece of wire

if the short piece has length x, then the other piece is x+2, right?

x + x+2 = 32

To find the length of the shorter piece of wire, we can set up an equation.

Let's assign a variable to the length of the shorter piece of wire. Let's call it "x".

According to the given information, the longer piece of wire is 2 cm longer than the shorter piece. So, the length of the longer piece can be expressed as "x + 2".

Now, we know that the total length of the wire is 32 cm. So, we can set up an equation:

x + (x + 2) = 32

Simplifying the equation, we have:

2x + 2 = 32

Subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation:

2x = 30

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 15

Therefore, the length of the shorter piece of wire is 15 cm.