Solve equation

2log10^x - 3log10^2 + log10^32 = 2

log 10^2x - log10^6 + log 10^32 = 2

log 10^ (2x*26) = 2
52 x = 10^2 = 100
x = 100/52 = 25/13

10^(2x) * 10^32 / 10^6 = 10^2

2x + 32 - 6 = 2

x = -12

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To solve the equation:

2log10^x - 3log10^2 + log10^32 = 2

We can simplify the equation using the properties of logarithms.

Recall that the property of logarithms states that log base a of x raised to the power of y is equal to y times log base a of x.

Using this property, we can rewrite the equation:

log10^(x^2) - log10^(2^3) + log10^32 = 2

Now, we can apply another property of logarithms, which states that the difference of logarithms is equal to the logarithm of the quotient.

log10^(x^2 / (2^3)) + log10^32 = 2

Now, let's simplify further:

log10^(x^2 / 8) + log10^32 = 2

Next, we can apply another property of logarithms, which states that the sum of logarithms is equal to the logarithm of the product.

log10^((x^2 / 8) * 32) = 2

Simplifying the right side:

log10^(x^2 / 8 * 32) = 2

Now, we can simplify the expression inside the logarithm:

log10^(x^2 / 256) = 2

Since the base of the logarithm is 10, we can rewrite the equation as an exponential equation:

10^2 = x^2 / 256


100 = x^2 / 256

We can further simplify by multiplying both sides by 256:

256 * 100 = x^2

25600 = x^2

Finally, we can take the square root of both sides to solve for x:

x = ± sqrt(25600)

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = ± 160.