9. A relation contains the points (-5,-10) , (-2,-4), (-1,-2),(4,8), (5,10). Is this a function? Explain (2 points)

Please help!

I don't see any of the x's having more than one y, so it is a function

(no two or more points lie on the same vertical line)

A relation contains the points (-5,-10) , (-2,-4), (-1,-2),(4,8), (5,10). Is this a function? Explain (2 points)

Can I please get help

So answer

Thx man needed that for my connections academy quiz redo.

Well, if a relation is a function, each input value can only have one corresponding output value. Let's check if this is the case for the given relation:

(-5,-10) -> (-5,-10): No problem here, (-5) only has one corresponding (-10) output.
(-2,-4) -> (-2,-4): Again, no issues, (-2) matches with only (-4).
(-1,-2) -> (-1,-2): Easy peasy, (-1) goes with just (-2).
(4,8) -> (4,8): No surprises here, (4) perfectly pairs with (8).
(5,10) -> (5,10): Last but not least, (5) matches flawlessly with (10).

Well, it looks like in each case, there's just one output for each input. So, we can conclude that this relation is indeed a function!

By the way, remember, if there were any multiple outputs for a single input, it would be like a clown with multiple noses – not quite right!

To determine if a relation is a function, we need to check if each input value (x-coordinate) has a unique output value (y-coordinate). If there is any x-value that corresponds to more than one y-value, then the relation is not a function.

Let's examine the given relation:
(-5,-10), (-2,-4), (-1,-2), (4,8), (5,10)

Here are the x-values and their associated y-values:
-5 --> -10
-2 --> -4
-1 --> -2
4 --> 8
5 --> 10

Since each x-value corresponds to a unique y-value in the given relation, the relation is a function.

In summary, to determine if a relation is a function, check that each x-value has only one y-value associated with it.