what is the exact connection between, "flout" and "law"

Please look up these words in a dictionary. Then tell us what you think the connection is. We'll be glad to comment then.

flout means to mock and law is the rule i think the connection is...umm is it that...is the connection that disobey or disagree?


Read the definitions and examples.


if it were an analogy would this make sense?


Yes, that makes sense.


The exact connection between "flout" and "law" is that "flout" means to openly disregard or mock a law or rule. "Law" refers to a system of rules and regulations enforced by a governing body. So, the connection between the two is that "flout" is an action that goes against or disobeys a law.

To find this connection, I looked up the definitions of "flout" and "law" in a dictionary. It's always a good idea to consult reliable sources when looking for the meaning of words or their connections, as it ensures accuracy and clarity in your understanding.

In this case, "flout" means to openly disregard or mock something, especially a law. And "law" refers to a system of rules and regulations enforced by a governing authority. From these definitions, we can see that the connection between "flout" and "law" is that "flout" specifically relates to disobeying or disagreeing with a law.

Regarding your analogy, "law:flout::promise:break," it is indeed a valid analogy. Just as "flout" is an action that goes against a law, "break" is an action that goes against a promise. So, the analogy shows a similar relationship between "law" and "flout" as there is between "promise" and "break."