How did the inventions of the late 1800s and early 1900s better connect the nation?in your opinion,what was the most important technological innovation of the late 1800s?why? just give hints not answers please UwU

Uwu :0

Srry that was cringe lol

I was at school when i wrote that 😭✋

The inventions of the late 1800s and early 1900s played a significant role in better connecting the nation. One way to find out how these inventions helped connect the nation is to consider the key industries and infrastructure that were developed during this time period. Think about innovations in transportation, communication, and utilities that had a broad impact on connecting different regions together.

In terms of the most important technological innovation of the late 1800s, consider the impact it had on transforming society, economy, and the way people lived their lives. Think about inventions that had widespread adoption and revolutionized various aspects of people's lives. It could be helpful to look into major inventions related to transportation, communication, or everyday life.

Remember, there are multiple potential answers to these questions, and the importance of specific inventions can vary depending on different perspectives.

Consider communication and transportation. Google like this:

communication inventions 1880 through 1930