What effect did the Fugitive Slave Act have? Select all that apply

So I have the answers. I couldn't find them anywhere on the website and seeing how this is the first quick check of the year, they're important. I searched the books and found these as the answers. (I don't know if the letters stay the same so I'm doing both)

1. A. It convinced northerners that slavery was immoral & B. It convinced southerners that their slaves would be returned to them
2. C. By vote of the people living in the territory
3. A. Adding slave and free states equally
4. C. Slavery was presented as a moral problem that everyone needed to confront
I'm submitting my answers before I post this so I will make sure everything is right before posting. Yes they are all correct. Good luck with your school year

Answers are:

1. It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral; It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return the slaves

2. by a vote of the people living in that territory

3. adding slave and free states equally to keep the balance of power

4. Slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront.

These are 100% correct, so yeah. You're welcome.

I actually got a 5/5 so.... 🤡

a 4/5 isnt bad imma just deal wit it 💀

Murph is 100% right i got a 5/5 so just dubel check your awnsers befor submiting

Murph is correct 100%

where are the answers?

Murph's awnser is 99% pure

To determine the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act, we need to examine its historical context and understand its provisions. The Fugitive Slave Act was enacted as part of the Compromise of 1850 in the United States, before the American Civil War. It aimed to address the ongoing issue of escaped slaves and to appease both Northern and Southern factions. Here are the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act:

1. Increase in tensions between the North and South: The Fugitive Slave Act deepened the divide between the Northern states, where anti-slavery sentiments were growing, and the Southern states, where slavery was deeply entrenched. The act required Northern states to actively assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves, which conflicted with the sentiment of many Northerners who believed in abolition.

2. Strengthened the abolitionist movement: The passage of the Fugitive Slave Act caused outrage among abolitionists, fueling their determination to fight against slavery. It helped to galvanize the anti-slavery movement and increased support for the Underground Railroad, a network that assisted escaped slaves in their journey to freedom.

3. Heightened resistance and civil disobedience: The act faced significant opposition in the North, with many people refusing to comply with or actively obstructing its provisions. Citizens, including free African Americans, organized protests, boycotts, and acts of civil disobedience to protect escaped slaves from being captured.

4. Violation of civil liberties: The Fugitive Slave Act raised concerns about the infringement of civil liberties, as accused fugitive slaves were denied the right to a trial by jury. Instead, these cases were handled by federal commissioners, who often favored slaveholders, leading to allegations of unfair treatment and potential kidnappings of free African Americans.

5. Consolidation of Southern slave power: The act was perceived as a victory for the Southern states, as it reinforced their ability to retrieve escaped slaves and maintain the institution of slavery. This further emboldened Southern politicians and contributed to the growing sectional tensions between North and South.

In summary, the Fugitive Slave Act had the effects of intensifying the regional divide, fueling the abolitionist movement, inspiring civil disobedience, raising concerns about civil liberties, and consolidating the power of slaveholders in the South.

Murph gave ne a 4/5 he's wrong.