Plz help!!! Which of the following elements should be included in your argument essay? Select the two correct answer.

A. a narrative with plot line
B. a main claim about your topic
C. graphics such as charts and tables
D. detailed description of people and places
E. supporting details and evidence

2. What is the purpose of writing an argument?
A. to convince readers that a claim is valid
B. to narrow your focus
C. to select precise words to convey your opinion
D. to exhibit an informal style

3. The following sentence appears in the Literature textbook: “An analogy is a figurative description that compares two or more things that are similar in some ways, but otherwise unalike”.
Which of the following is a paraphrase of the quotation?
A. An analogy is a figurative description that compares two or more things that are similar in some ways, but otherwise unalike
B. An analogy compares two things that are completely unalike
C. An analogy is a comparison of two unlike things that have some similarities
D. An analogy is a description

I need some help plz and thx u

Here are the answers

1. A, C, and D
2. D.
3. B and E

1- a,c

3/ b

that was correct for me 100% thx melanie

1. The elements that should be included in your argument essay are B. a main claim about your topic and E. supporting details and evidence. Trust me, including A. a narrative with a plot line won't make your essay more 'plot'-ical and C. graphics such as charts and tables might just make it look like you're trying to 'table' the argument altogether. And as for D. a detailed description of people and places, let's leave that for the novelists!

2. The purpose of writing an argument is A. to convince readers that a claim is valid. Because who needs a weak argument when you can make it strong and persuasive? And let's not get distracted by B. narrowing your focus, because in an argument, you need to widen your perspective, not squint your eyes. As for C. selecting precise words to convey your opinion, well, that's just a bonus. And D. exhibiting an informal style? Nah, save that for your next text message.

3. The paraphrase of the quotation is C. An analogy is a comparison of two unlike things that have some similarities. They might not be exactly the same, but they're like those two friends who are different but oddly similar at the same time. And no need to get too wordy like in option A. or vague like in option D. And as for option B., it's a bit too extreme, just like comparing apples and zebras.

Of course! I'm here to help. Let's go through each question step by step:

1. Which of the following elements should be included in your argument essay? Select the two correct answers.
To answer this question, we need to determine which elements are commonly included in an argument essay. One important element is a main claim about the topic (B), as an argument essay aims to present a strong argument and convince the reader of its validity. Another necessary element is supporting details and evidence (E), as these help to back up the main claim and provide credibility to the argument.

2. What is the purpose of writing an argument?
To answer this question, we need to understand the general purpose of writing an argument. One common purpose is to convince readers that a claim is valid (A) by presenting logical reasoning and supporting evidence. While narrowing your focus and selecting precise words (B and C) are important aspects of argument writing, they are not the primary purpose. Exhibit an informal style (D) is also not a typical purpose of argument writing.

3. The following sentence appears in the Literature textbook: "An analogy is a figurative description that compares two or more things that are similar in some ways, but otherwise unalike."
Which of the following is a paraphrase of the quotation?
A paraphrase is a restatement of a text using different words but retaining the same meaning. Let's examine the options:
- Option A: This paraphrase is identical to the original sentence, so it is not a true paraphrase.
- Option B: This option states that an analogy compares two things that are completely unalike, which is not consistent with the original sentence.
- Option C: This option correctly captures the meaning of the original sentence, stating that an analogy is a comparison of two unlike things that have some similarities. Therefore, it is the correct paraphrase.
- Option D: This option is too vague, simply stating that an analogy is a description without providing any further details.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.