87392 nearest 1000

392 is closer to 0 than to 1000 when rounded to the nearest 1000.

87xxx, now is 392 closer to 0 or to 1000 ?


To find the number nearest to 87,392 that is a multiple of 1,000, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide 87,392 by 1,000
87,392 รท 1,000 = 87.392

Step 2: Round the quotient to the nearest whole number
Rounding 87.392 to the nearest whole number gives us 87.

Step 3: Multiply the rounded whole number by 1,000
87 x 1,000 = 87,000

Therefore, the number nearest to 87,392 that is a multiple of 1,000 is 87,000.