Consider the situation.

Scientists discovered a sedimentary layer of earth with high amounts of the element iridium. This layer was laid down about the time at which the dinosaurs went extinct. Iridium is rare in Earth’s rocks, but it is commonly found in meteorites. Scientists suggested that a large meteor impact caused a layer of dust to envelope Earth, which may have resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Which type of scientific reasoning is being described in the situation?

A. scientific rationalism
B. deductive reasoning
C. scientific empiricism
D. inductive reasoning

I think the answer is d

Your answer is correct. The type of scientific reasoning being described in the situation is inductive reasoning (Option D). Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations or conclusions based on specific observations or evidence. In this case, scientists observed the presence of high amounts of iridium in a sedimentary layer at the time of the dinosaur extinction. They then made an inference suggesting that a large meteor impact caused the extinction, based on the fact that iridium is commonly found in meteorites.

Yes, you are correct! The type of scientific reasoning being described in the situation is D. inductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations or coming up with hypotheses based on specific observations or patterns. In this case, scientists observed the presence of a high amount of iridium in a sedimentary layer of earth that coincided with the extinction of the dinosaurs. They then made the inference that a large meteor impact caused the presence of iridium and may have resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs.

To arrive at this conclusion, scientists likely conducted various experiments, gathered data, and analyzed the evidence, which are all elements of scientific empiricism - the approach of using observation and experimentation to acquire knowledge. However, the overall thought process of making a generalization based on specific observations aligns with inductive reasoning.

Great job on finding the correct answer!

" .... may have resulted..... "

Agree with you, evidence points in direction of meteor causing the extinction, but does not prove it.